soft kitty, warm kitty,
little ball of fur...
happy kitty, sleepy kitty,
purr purr purr...
yes i'm crazy. haven't you guessed that yet?
time to start saving.... i could spend it.
1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 5 Book Set

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 5 Book Set
3. a couple of t-shirts.
4. and a bunch of other stuff that would probably need to wait for me to get a job.
a little link.
Surviving break-ups, by Hanis Zalikha.
her post on this is incredibly not girlish. it can actually apply for guys too.
p.s. okay, so read girly blogs. so what? it's funny!!!
her post on this is incredibly not girlish. it can actually apply for guys too.
p.s. okay, so read girly blogs. so what? it's funny!!!
to every mother out there, geek style:
okay i know Mother's day was yesterday. the simple fact is i don't actually celebrate it for personal reasons.
however i do believe that you should appreciate your Mom (and Dad) all the same. don't just appreciate her that single day of the year. love her every moment of your existence, because without her you wouldn't know what existence meant.
with that said, here's a greeting to every mom in the world:
however i do believe that you should appreciate your Mom (and Dad) all the same. don't just appreciate her that single day of the year. love her every moment of your existence, because without her you wouldn't know what existence meant.
with that said, here's a greeting to every mom in the world:
more at GAS, and credits to them as well.
by Odin's beard, MIGHTY TORNADO!!!
currently playing Marvel vs. Capcom 3 with a couple of cousins, and i've gotta say, i never get tired of that line, right before i hyper combo KO someone.
Thor's awesome in this game. Though he's an incredibly slow character, he makes it up with sheer power. you don't know what difficult is till you've faced the god of thunder spamming mighty smash and mighty spark.
i'll admit i'm not remotely good at fighting games, heck i'm only playing easy in the arcade mode, with the occasional normal if i'm feeling lucky. fortunately, neither are my cousins, so i can still have some fun destroying them. :)
now i wish my friends would spare some time playing this with me, i'd love to give them some Thor loving.
current main team: Thor, Akuma, and Dante.
Thor's awesome in this game. Though he's an incredibly slow character, he makes it up with sheer power. you don't know what difficult is till you've faced the god of thunder spamming mighty smash and mighty spark.
i'll admit i'm not remotely good at fighting games, heck i'm only playing easy in the arcade mode, with the occasional normal if i'm feeling lucky. fortunately, neither are my cousins, so i can still have some fun destroying them. :)
now i wish my friends would spare some time playing this with me, i'd love to give them some Thor loving.
current main team: Thor, Akuma, and Dante.
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Borderlands: a proposal.
you know, the staff of gaming companies are usually gamers as well, and for the most part, they're not douches.
The staff of Gearbox Software, creator of Borderlands, a FPS-RPG hybrid game, proved this last week by helping a fan out.
now this is an awesome proposal, he didn't even need some fancy dinner!
now if only i could ask LucasArts to make one for me with R2-D2.
for a clearer view of the cutscene:
The staff of Gearbox Software, creator of Borderlands, a FPS-RPG hybrid game, proved this last week by helping a fan out.
now this is an awesome proposal, he didn't even need some fancy dinner!
now if only i could ask LucasArts to make one for me with R2-D2.
for a clearer view of the cutscene:
this is... this is... this is SUPER ROMANTICALLY AWESOME!!!
okay, to people who say geeks/nerds can't be romantic, this is my(or rather, crazedadman/sean's) answer:
if (i repeat, IF) i had a wife, i'd probably do this to, except on a PC cause i would never buy a mac.
i say thee, NAY!!! : thoughts on Thor the Movie
to sum it up in one word: awesome.
now i guess i'm a huge fanboy of Thor Odinson, so that opinion might seem a little biased but i honestly believe that Kenneth Branagh did a fine job on bringing the god of thunder to life. the guy chosen to portray Thor, Chris Heimsworth, was also up to the task of displaying the arrogant, yet with a heart full of nobility, prince of Asgard.
now there were minor annoyances regarding detail (hogun has a mustache, period. and volstagg the voluminous is simply not voluminous enough) but that's just the rants of an avid reader of the comic books. however, even these grievances were insignificant, as Thor had redeeming qualities that makes it one of the greatest superhero movies today.
certainly the battles were graphically amazing, bringing to life the Mighty Thor's immense power levels and hammer swinging awesomeness. i loved how they showed just how powerful the god of thunder really is: facing a horde of frost giants single handedly was no insignificant feat, as was summoning a huge tornado to face off the Destroyer armor.
however the highlight of the movie was actually the story and the characters, and especially those regarding Asgard. rather than a simple fight to save the day, Thor actually showed some depth with it's plot. in the end, it somehow successfully pulled off a magnificent tale of brotherhood (albeit with dire consequences) and jealousy, of redemption and forgiveness.
so my hats are off to you mister Branagh, for a job well done in making this fine movie, and not screwing up my favorite superhero of all time.
now here's to hoping that Marvel would bring Beta Ray Bill and Stormbreaker to fight alongside Thor next!!!
p.s. thanks for the company, guys!!!
now i guess i'm a huge fanboy of Thor Odinson, so that opinion might seem a little biased but i honestly believe that Kenneth Branagh did a fine job on bringing the god of thunder to life. the guy chosen to portray Thor, Chris Heimsworth, was also up to the task of displaying the arrogant, yet with a heart full of nobility, prince of Asgard.
now there were minor annoyances regarding detail (hogun has a mustache, period. and volstagg the voluminous is simply not voluminous enough) but that's just the rants of an avid reader of the comic books. however, even these grievances were insignificant, as Thor had redeeming qualities that makes it one of the greatest superhero movies today.
certainly the battles were graphically amazing, bringing to life the Mighty Thor's immense power levels and hammer swinging awesomeness. i loved how they showed just how powerful the god of thunder really is: facing a horde of frost giants single handedly was no insignificant feat, as was summoning a huge tornado to face off the Destroyer armor.
however the highlight of the movie was actually the story and the characters, and especially those regarding Asgard. rather than a simple fight to save the day, Thor actually showed some depth with it's plot. in the end, it somehow successfully pulled off a magnificent tale of brotherhood (albeit with dire consequences) and jealousy, of redemption and forgiveness.
so my hats are off to you mister Branagh, for a job well done in making this fine movie, and not screwing up my favorite superhero of all time.
now here's to hoping that Marvel would bring Beta Ray Bill and Stormbreaker to fight alongside Thor next!!!
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a little confession.
i admit, i'm a freaking Grammar Nazi. at least partially anyway.
i might not go correcting everything on the internet, but i do occasionally laugh my butt off at the most basic, simple, ridiculous mistake that everyone with a keyboard seems to make.
come on people, can't you at least learn the damn difference between you're and your?
how bout at least making reasonably coherent sentences?
and you know what's especially annoying that it's not even funny?
people who use complicated, sophisticated and completely irrelevant words simply to imply their 'vast' vocabulary while the fact of the matter is that they couldn't put two and two together.
i realize this might come off as snobbish, or perhaps elitist, and maybe it is.
but seriously, if you at least try to improve and seek input from others, then i'm positively rooting for you.
however, if you keep making the same foolish error time and again you should just get off that keyboard. go type in your own language, for crying out loud.
and yes, i realize my English isn't perfect. at least my words don't look like they were spouted by google translator. and yes i write without capital letters, but that isn't exactly an atrocity.
learn to write better than a 5 year old. go read a novel or something.
i might not go correcting everything on the internet, but i do occasionally laugh my butt off at the most basic, simple, ridiculous mistake that everyone with a keyboard seems to make.
come on people, can't you at least learn the damn difference between you're and your?
how bout at least making reasonably coherent sentences?
and you know what's especially annoying that it's not even funny?
people who use complicated, sophisticated and completely irrelevant words simply to imply their 'vast' vocabulary while the fact of the matter is that they couldn't put two and two together.
i realize this might come off as snobbish, or perhaps elitist, and maybe it is.
but seriously, if you at least try to improve and seek input from others, then i'm positively rooting for you.
however, if you keep making the same foolish error time and again you should just get off that keyboard. go type in your own language, for crying out loud.
and yes, i realize my English isn't perfect. at least my words don't look like they were spouted by google translator. and yes i write without capital letters, but that isn't exactly an atrocity.
learn to write better than a 5 year old. go read a novel or something.
For honor, for glory, for Asgard!!!
holy crabby crap i'm having a geekgasm with all this anticipation!!!
Thor's coming into the big screen in a few days, and i'm psyched up!!! No frost giant of an exam will stop me from watching the god of thunder kick every single butt that needs to be kicked.
It's welcome to the big leagues, Midgard.
Thor's coming into the big screen in a few days, and i'm psyched up!!! No frost giant of an exam will stop me from watching the god of thunder kick every single butt that needs to be kicked.
It's welcome to the big leagues, Midgard.
geek rant ahead, be warned.
Now this is awesome.
Scott Weaver is my new hero. well one them anyway.
imagine a sculpture of San Francisco.
now imagine it made from toothpicks.
now imagine it again with pathways designed for tours of ping-pong balls.
now see this and say with a straight face that you're not impressed.
video after jump.
i wish this was my lecturer...
i sooooooo wish i had portal 2 right now... i miss GLADOS...
p.s. i realize this is possibly fake, but it's still awesome.
via [Geekosystem]
As the records say... (Everything I Do) I Do It for You
i would fight for you,
i'd lie for you,
walk the mile for you,
i'd die for you...
cause you know it's true,
everything i do,
i do it for you.
-(Everything I Do) I Do It for You, as sung by Bryan Adams-
Pi oh Pi, won't you come into my dreams?
after the link, since i have no idea how to stop flash from auto playing.
another day, another year.
yesterday was that dreaded 14th of April where the world sighed when i showed up.
or not, i'm nowhere near significant enough for the whole world to sigh right?
i'm older now. but i'll still be immature. that would take another couple of years i think.
anyways, thanks GG!!! thanks for giving me a reason to smile yesterday, and for attempting (miserably) to surprise me. it was sweet of you guys, and i love you all the more for it.
thanks to the guy who picked my present. it's awesome, like you!
thanks to the gal who wrapped it up. the wrapping's awesome, like you!
thanks to the guy who tried to trick me into the surprise! it was amusingly awesome, like you!
thanks the gal who picked and held the banana chocolate (does it have a proper name?) cake. it was awesome, like you!
thanks to the guy who played a birthday song on his guitar. the rendition was awesome, like you!
thanks also to the guy who tried to play the song on the guitar. it was touchingly awesome, like you!
thanks guys. i don't usually celebrate birthdays. most years i barely even remember it, but you guys made this year one of the most memorable ones ever. thanks guys, thanks guys, THANKS GUYS!!!
or not, i'm nowhere near significant enough for the whole world to sigh right?
i'm older now. but i'll still be immature. that would take another couple of years i think.
anyways, thanks GG!!! thanks for giving me a reason to smile yesterday, and for attempting (miserably) to surprise me. it was sweet of you guys, and i love you all the more for it.
thanks to the guy who picked my present. it's awesome, like you!
thanks to the gal who wrapped it up. the wrapping's awesome, like you!
thanks to the guy who tried to trick me into the surprise! it was amusingly awesome, like you!
thanks the gal who picked and held the banana chocolate (does it have a proper name?) cake. it was awesome, like you!
thanks to the guy who played a birthday song on his guitar. the rendition was awesome, like you!
thanks also to the guy who tried to play the song on the guitar. it was touchingly awesome, like you!
thanks guys. i don't usually celebrate birthdays. most years i barely even remember it, but you guys made this year one of the most memorable ones ever. thanks guys, thanks guys, THANKS GUYS!!!
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grazie a voi mia famiglia... |
As the records say... Mr. You're a Better Man Than I
can you condemn a man, if your faith he doesn't hold?
say the color of his skin, is the color of his soul?
-Mr. You're a Better Man Than I, as performed by The Yardbirds-
The Unconquered
Words of Reels: Fight Club (1999)
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
-Tyler Durden , as played by Brad Pitt-
if you want to know what a mindjob feels like, watch this. the ending will make you go: WTFBBQ did i just watch???
The Unconquered
Words of Reels: Shawshank Redemption (1994)
it is the best of things.
and good things never die.
- Andrew Dufresne, as played by Tim Robbins -
The Unconquered
class... class... class...
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click to enlarge! |
i think i'll start using this... not. i keep getting skip it!
credits to the guys who made this: College Humor
The Unconquered
a toast, to the true vampire.
The Unconquered
Star Wars episodes VII, VIII, and IX will be directed by Spielberg???
why oh why Lucas!!! weren't the prequels bad enough???
why oh why Lucas!!! weren't the prequels bad enough???
Luke, I am not your father...
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Translation: April Fools…I am your mother! |
Drawn by Dobrosav Bob Zivkovic, an illustrator from Serbia, as an April Fool's joke for the geeks.
credits to [GAS] - Long live sexy geeks.
Nerds, geeks, and things in between: never call a Jedi a Trekkie.
dedicated to a friend, who thinks he's a nerd, and another friend, who wants to be a nerd.
no my friend, you are not a nerd. you're not socially inept, and you're not a reclusive scientist working on some obscure random project in the middle of a high tech, secretly built lab. so no, i repeat, you are not a nerd. i have no idea why you seem to think you are. and no, you're not a geek either. not enough obsession to strange things that others aren't interested in. you're basically one of the cool guys, not the nerds.
and to the friend who wishes (even if it was momentarily) to be a nerd, please pursue another career choice. the path to nerdiness is just not for you, duh. you're to cool for nerd-dom. seriously, try being a shopaholic, i hear they're in chic now.
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do you get this? no? then you're not part of us. |
p.s. yes, i'm a nerd, and partially a geek. yes, i can spout random nonsense about the reign of Thor, or tell you how Han Solo got the Millennium Falcon. and yes, i've watched Revenge of the Nerds.
The Unconquered
and i'll never make it like you do...
i could make tonight forever,
i could make it disappear by the door,
i could make you every promise that has ever been made,
and i could make your demons begone.
but i'm never gonna make it without you, do you really want to see me crawl?
and i don't know how to make it like you do,
making love out of nothing at all.
---Air Supply---
The Unconquered
This totally made my day, kind of.
Let's give in for New Hope, New Hope!!!
Guess the Empire Struck Back, Struck Back!!!
The Jedi have Returned, Returned!!!
and not to forget, EWOKS TO THE RESCUE!!!
Guess the Empire Struck Back, Struck Back!!!
The Jedi have Returned, Returned!!!
and not to forget, EWOKS TO THE RESCUE!!!
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
credits to College Humor, making a geek happy.
damn that Leia is pretty cute, brings back the crushes i had on Carrie Fisher. freaking Jabba's Palace.
damn that Leia is pretty cute, brings back the crushes i had on Carrie Fisher. freaking Jabba's Palace.
The Unconquered
just who the heck started the flame war?
ok, this was the funniest song i've heard in a while. at least if you get it anyway.
if not, LURK MOAR!!!
***disclaimer: strong language, but if you've been on the internet you're probably used to it.
if not, LURK MOAR!!!
***disclaimer: strong language, but if you've been on the internet you're probably used to it.
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
credits to College Humor, one of the most creative and entertaining sites i know of.
*this song is a cover of Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire, which is also awesome.
The Unconquered
credits to GAS - Geeks Are Sexy, oh yes we are.
*** notes:
for those who don't understand, it's a trap is a quote of Admiral Ackbar, the well, admiral of the Rebel Alliance fleet in Star Wars. the words were uttered in Return of the Jedi and has become a legend due to the rather obvious fact that the Rebel fleet had indeed, hyperspace-jumped into a trap.
i'm special, you're special, everyone's special. no one is special.
think about it.
if everyone was special, what would be so special about being special?
wouldn't everyone who's special be just as special as the person next to him, hence rendering them no longer special?
special would be a paradox; a delusion that doesn't exist simply because everyone is special which renders the peculiar fact that you are special moot.
hence, the conclusion would be that no one is special.
forgive me for leaving you confused, and wasting your time.
The Unconquered
Holy Frakking Frak.
It's also comforting to know that no matter what you do in life, it won't be this epic.
"Stupid frakking thing couldn't come with a handbook?"
credits to polly blog
The things i want, oh won't somebody grant me these?
3 main reasons these things are unattainable currently:
i. i don't have the cash.
ii. i can't ask my parents as they deem most of these too childish.
iii. i have no idea where to get them, as nearby malls don't have these, and i have no credit card to buy online.
[mainly this.]
so i'm gonna list them down here instead, in hopes that some good Samaritan would deem it wise to gift me these things. can't a guy dream?
a moment with family.
we might not be biologically related, but we are nonetheless a family.
it's not blood that matters, but how you live with them.
happy birthday Ace.
may you have a wonderful 19th, and may you never accidentally tickle a sleeping dragon.
guess which? |
family portrait.
have you ever met them? the ones we call friends, yet in our heart and soul we know they are not just that. they're family.
anger management.
driving alone at night is a therapy of its own; you get stuck with a lot of thoughts running through your head.
good, bad, when you're going 160 in the dead of the night, you certainly think. and thinking makes you think even more.
good, bad, when you're going 160 in the dead of the night, you certainly think. and thinking makes you think even more.
Wisdoms From the Past.
"Look for the silver lining, when ever a cloud appears in the blue."
--- Chet Baker.
at the end of each darkness is a light. so keep holding on until you get there. it's worth it.
--- Chet Baker.
at the end of each darkness is a light. so keep holding on until you get there. it's worth it.
The Calm Before the Storm
A moment's reprieve, a brief respite, before the battle begins anew.
For life is a never ending war, and each victory, each loss, is but a prelude to the next battle.
A toast, to the skirmishes to come, and to the tears that shall be shed, and to the smiles of joy to be had.
May we never fight alone. May our allies never ride without us. And may even foes one day become friends.
For who among us can finish this saga called life without the aid of beloved companions, of cherished fellowships?
In the end, may our end be without regret. May our tales leave a legacy unforgotten. May our stories unfold with nothing left unsaid.
In the eye of the storm, it all came clear to me.
No matter how far your run, how fast you drive, the past always catches up.
then it pounces on you like there's no tomorrow.
the past, all i can think of is the past. the future's so uncertain that i'm not even sure it's there.
perhaps it's not. perhaps it's just an illusion, meant to deceive my senses. or perhaps maybe i'm just delusional, over thinking things without plausible reasons.
just how long can one hold on, before he loses his grip?
how long can one dream, before he realizes it's a nightmare?
how long can one pretend that everything is perfect, while in truth nothing is?
how long can these demons be held at bay, before the walls finally shatter?
how long, just how long, can one run before there's nowhere to run anymore?
this feeling of helplessness, this inability to set everything right, this conviction of complete despair, they're feelings i would wish on none.
because these are what i feel, and they're killing me. i hope my own, someday, would never feel them.
then it pounces on you like there's no tomorrow.
the past, all i can think of is the past. the future's so uncertain that i'm not even sure it's there.
perhaps it's not. perhaps it's just an illusion, meant to deceive my senses. or perhaps maybe i'm just delusional, over thinking things without plausible reasons.
just how long can one hold on, before he loses his grip?
how long can one dream, before he realizes it's a nightmare?
how long can one pretend that everything is perfect, while in truth nothing is?
how long can these demons be held at bay, before the walls finally shatter?
how long, just how long, can one run before there's nowhere to run anymore?
this feeling of helplessness, this inability to set everything right, this conviction of complete despair, they're feelings i would wish on none.
because these are what i feel, and they're killing me. i hope my own, someday, would never feel them.
Golden Slumbers Melody
smiles awake you as you rise;
sleep pretty darling do not cry;
and i will sing you a lullaby.
--"Golden Slumbers"--
---The Beatles---
growth, as it is.
this may be stupid and ridiculous, but it's stupidly and ridiculously funny. at least i feel that way anyway, but as previously mentioned i'm a happy idiot, so don't take my word for it.
possibly NSFW, if you're the sensitive type. it's probably more stupid, than NSFW however.
possibly NSFW, if you're the sensitive type. it's probably more stupid, than NSFW however.
about me. again.
i realized something today. or yesterday. or was it tomorrow?
uh, whenever it was/is/will that i realized this, it's insignificant.
I am, generally speaking, an idiot.
However, i am also, hypothetically speaking, a happy idiot.
With a life that's, relatively speaking, almost close to perfect.
With acquaintances who are, honestly speaking, awesome.
I can live with that.
What more could a guy ask for right?
What more could an idiot dream for?
Cheers to being a content, happy fool.
uh, whenever it was/is/will that i realized this, it's insignificant.
I am, generally speaking, an idiot.
However, i am also, hypothetically speaking, a happy idiot.
With a life that's, relatively speaking, almost close to perfect.
With acquaintances who are, honestly speaking, awesome.
I can live with that.
What more could a guy ask for right?
What more could an idiot dream for?
Cheers to being a content, happy fool.
Thanks. Really.
i've realized something. i'm an ungrateful son of a schlag.
there's so many things in life to be thankful of that it's plain obvious i'm an idiot for being oblivious to them.
really i've sulked for too long, dwelling on every single shit that comes along.
time to take a new initiative, gain a new perspective.
life's just too short for thinking of crap all the time. hell life's too short for anything really, but wasting it on misery is one heck of a way to ruin your life.
Can You Feel It In The Air Tonight?
I've been waiting for this moment, all my life, Oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend
But I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well I remember, I remember don't worry
How could I ever forget, it's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you don't fool me
The hurt doesn't show; but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you or me
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord...
by Phil Collins
a perfect song for a dark, cool, lonely night.
is this the moment? can you feel it as i do?
is it in the air tonight?
p.s. yes i have no idea what to write. so i spout lyrics i love instead.
Unconquered Words: The Fall
he was once human.
yet too long has he been bounded.
shackled by these steel bonds that hold him.
no more.
today he breaks free.
today he is released from this earth.
the wings of freedom were his today.
his to spread.
his to unveil.
he hears the whispers of his benefactor: "careful, careful".
but the words were lost to him.
they were a haze, a blur that mattered not.
the rush of the wind was upon him.
he gently raises his wings, testing each stroke.
he begins to rise.
slowly, yet surely.
he soars through the skies.
words forgotten, warnings unheeded.
who, after all was worthy of his time?
he was no longer a man.
no longer confined to the realms of mortals.
he was a king amongst peasants.
a god amongst men.
he glides with grace.
with power as his only purpose.
he was with the clouds.
treading realms forbidden to men.
his was the dream of men.
his was the stuff of legends.
nothing else matters.
or so he believed.
he rises again and again.
above the hills,
the mountains,
and eventually the stars.
he was truly a god,
for was he not sailing through the ocean of immortals?
he had not a care in the world.
for what god cared of the lands beneath?
yet somehow within his reverie,
upon the deepest recesses of his mind,
he could not escape the nagging of worry,
words once spoken yet could not be remembered.
what were they?
who had uttered them?
and then he remembered.
they were the wisdom of one who loved him.
one who gave the world for him.
one who granted him his wings, his godhood.
yet he had ignored him.
ungrateful of the gifts showered upon him.
he longed to return.
to ask forgiveness.
yet he realized in his heart that it was too late.
for he saw the rising of a chariot.
he had gone too far.
beyond the reaches of safety.
and then he felt the scorch of Apollo crossing the skies.
he struggled.
but in his heart he knew.
the Fates were today against him.
for had he not ignored them as well?
as the fiery chariot approaches.
he stares into the depths of Hades.
and understands his doom.
for it was he who had chosen it.
as his wings finally burn.
as the pits of Hades open to embrace him.
his thoughts were this:
so falls Icarus the fool.
so falls Icarus the vain.
so falls Icarus the ignorant.
but perhaps worst of all,
so falls Icarus the lonely.
and then he plummets into the void.
and returns into dust.
so ends the tale of Icarus.
ever proud, ever free.
yet ever alone.
by Invictus92, ever unconquered.
edit: thanks to mr. L for pointing stuff out!!! :D
Unconquered NerdGeek: A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away.
enough emo BS. time to shutdown that part of the brain.
on to more useless crap that are kriffin' simultaneously cool and pointless to know.
in this case, the Star Wars universe!!!
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free. -Darth Bane, Dark Lord of The Sith-
credits to io9 ( for pointing me to this.
and credits to wookiepedia ( for the Sith code.
on to more useless crap that are kriffin' simultaneously cool and pointless to know.
in this case, the Star Wars universe!!!
<click picture for larger resolution>
Ah, so that's how you get from Coruscant to kriffin' Korriban.
time to learn the Dark Side of the Force with those Holocrons!!!
credits to io9 ( for pointing me to this.
and credits to wookiepedia ( for the Sith code.
Unconquered Voices: Ready to Fall
I know I've been gone for what seems like forever
But I'm here now waiting
To convince you that I'm not a ghost or a stranger
But closer than you think
She said, "just go on to what you
Pretend is your life but
Please don't die on me"
Wings won't take me
Heights don't phase me
So take a step
But don't look down
Take a step
Now I'm standing on the rooftop ready to fall
I think I'm at the edge now but I could be wrong
I'm standing on the rooftop ready to fall
Perpetual motion the image won't focus
A blur is all that's seen
But here in this moment like the eye of the storm
It all came clear to me
I found a shoulder to lean on
An infallible reason to live all by itself
I took one last look from the heights that I once loved
And then I ran like hell
Wings won't take me
Heights don't phase me
So take a step
But don't look down
Take a step
Now I'm standing on the rooftop ready to fall
I think I'm at the edge now but I could be wrong
I'm standing on the rooftop ready to fall
I count the times that I've been sorry
I know, I know
Now my compassion slowly drowns
I know, I know
If there's a time these walls could guard you
I know, I know
Then let that time be right now
Now I'm standing on the rooftop
Now I'm standing on the rooftop ready to fall
I'm standing on the rooftop ready to fall
I think I'm at the edge now but I could be wrong
I'm standing on the rooftop ready to fall
Now I'm standing on the rooftop (ready to fall)
by Rise Against
i want to fall.
fall forever. into nothingness. into darkness.
and leave all this behind.
i'm ready.
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