
For honor, for glory, for Asgard!!!

holy crabby crap i'm having a geekgasm with all this anticipation!!!

Thor's coming into the big screen in a few days, and i'm psyched up!!! No frost giant of an exam will stop me from watching the god of thunder kick every single butt that needs to be kicked.
It's welcome to the big leagues, Midgard.

geek rant ahead, be warned.

reasons why i love Thor Odinson:

i. son of Odin, king of Asgard: a kingdom of gods, and Gaea, elder god of the Earth. 
ii. he's got an awesome hammer: Mjolnir.
iii. it controls weather, and can summon lightning. plus it's a hammer that returns, so no one else can try to be a wiseguy.
iv. He kicked iron man's butt and made him walk home, in his armor.
v. He once withstood all of Earth's nuclear stockpile.
vi. He can literally move mountains: earth manipulation.
vii. He's fought for thousands of years; cause he's freaking semi-immortal.
viii. Ultra-strong and god(duh)-like endurance; he's one of the most powerful heroes in Earth (and beyond).
ix. have i mentioned he kicked iron man's sorry butt without even trying?
x. he's list of accomplishments makes other heroes look like wannabes.
xi. he also happens to be one of the most noble heroes, with an infallible sense of right and wrong.
x. he's a complete, total badass.