
Night Escapades.

At times, i'm just thankful that i have such a short-term crappy memory.
Perhaps i'll forget all this by the hour. or the day. or never. if only.

a friend told me that she misses the old days.
i do too.

life was simple.
happiness was a commodity.
sadness a rarity.

I guess we take everything for granted don't we?
We forget that all we have are just a brief phase of our existence, a momentary reprieve.
We forget that nothing remains eternal.
It all ends someday, maybe sooner than we could ever perceive.

Because ultimately, if there was one thing certain in life it is this:

p.s. to my friends, if i made you worry last night, i'm truly sorry. i din't mean to, i just wasn't really thinking. 
so i apologize, though why anyone would waste time worrying about me is certainly beyond me.