
i say thee, NAY!!! : thoughts on Thor the Movie

to sum it up in one word: awesome.

now i guess i'm a huge fanboy of Thor Odinson, so that opinion might seem a little biased but i honestly believe that Kenneth Branagh did a fine job on bringing the god of thunder to life. the guy chosen to portray Thor, Chris Heimsworth, was also up to the task of displaying the arrogant, yet with a heart full of nobility, prince of Asgard.

now there were minor annoyances regarding detail (hogun has a mustache, period. and volstagg the voluminous is simply not voluminous enough) but that's just the rants of an avid reader of the comic books. however, even these grievances were insignificant, as Thor had redeeming qualities that makes it one of the greatest superhero movies today.

certainly the battles were graphically amazing, bringing to life the Mighty Thor's immense power levels and hammer swinging awesomeness. i loved how they showed just how powerful the god of thunder really is: facing a horde of frost giants single handedly was no insignificant feat, as was summoning a huge tornado to face off the Destroyer armor.

however the highlight of the movie was actually the story and the characters, and especially those regarding Asgard. rather than a simple fight to save the day, Thor actually showed some depth with it's plot. in the end, it somehow successfully pulled off a magnificent tale of brotherhood (albeit with dire consequences) and jealousy, of redemption and forgiveness.

so my hats are off to you mister Branagh, for a job well done in making this fine movie, and not screwing up my favorite superhero of all time.

now here's to hoping that Marvel would bring Beta Ray Bill and Stormbreaker to fight alongside Thor next!!!


p.s. thanks for the company, guys!!!

a little confession.

i admit, i'm a freaking Grammar Nazi. at least partially anyway.

i might not go correcting everything on the internet, but i do occasionally laugh my butt off at the most basic, simple, ridiculous mistake that everyone with a keyboard seems to make.

come on people, can't you at least learn the damn difference between you're and your?
how bout at least making reasonably coherent sentences?

and you know what's especially annoying that it's not even funny?
people who use complicated, sophisticated and completely irrelevant words simply to imply their 'vast' vocabulary while the fact of the matter is that they couldn't put two and two together.

i realize this might come off as snobbish, or perhaps elitist, and maybe it is.
but seriously, if you at least try to improve and seek input from others, then i'm positively rooting for you.
however, if you keep making the same foolish error time and again you should just get off that keyboard. go type in your own language, for crying out loud.

and yes, i realize my English isn't perfect. at least my words don't look like they were spouted by google translator. and yes i write without capital letters, but that isn't exactly an atrocity.

learn to write better than a 5 year old. go read a novel or something.


For honor, for glory, for Asgard!!!

holy crabby crap i'm having a geekgasm with all this anticipation!!!

Thor's coming into the big screen in a few days, and i'm psyched up!!! No frost giant of an exam will stop me from watching the god of thunder kick every single butt that needs to be kicked.
It's welcome to the big leagues, Midgard.

geek rant ahead, be warned.


Now this is awesome.

Scott Weaver is my new hero. well one them anyway.

imagine a sculpture of San Francisco.

now imagine it made from toothpicks.

now imagine it again with pathways designed for tours of ping-pong balls.

now see this and say with a straight face that you're not impressed.


video after jump.


i wish this was my lecturer...

i sooooooo wish i had portal 2 right now... i miss GLADOS...

p.s. i realize this is possibly fake, but it's still awesome.



As the records say... (Everything I Do) I Do It for You

i would fight for you,
i'd lie for you,
walk the mile for you,
i'd die for you...

cause you know it's true,
everything i do, 
i do it for you.

-(Everything I Do) I Do It for You, as sung by Bryan Adams-

Words of Reels: Notting Hill (1999)

could i stay a bit longer?

stay forever.

Pi oh Pi, won't you come into my dreams?

after the link, since i have no idea how to stop flash from auto playing.


another day, another year.

yesterday was that dreaded 14th of April where the world sighed when i showed up.

or not, i'm nowhere near significant enough for the whole world to sigh right?

i'm older now. but i'll still be immature. that would take another couple of years i think.

anyways, thanks GG!!! thanks for giving me a reason to smile yesterday, and for attempting (miserably) to surprise me. it was sweet of you guys, and i love you all the more for it.

thanks to the guy who picked my present. it's awesome, like you!
thanks to the gal who wrapped it up. the wrapping's awesome, like you!
thanks to the guy who tried to trick me into the surprise! it was amusingly awesome, like you!
thanks the gal who picked and held the banana chocolate (does it have a proper name?) cake. it was awesome, like you!
thanks to the guy who played a birthday song on his guitar. the rendition was awesome, like you!
thanks also to the guy who tried to play the song on the guitar. it was touchingly awesome, like you!

thanks guys. i don't usually celebrate birthdays. most years i barely even remember it, but you guys made this year one of the most memorable ones ever. thanks guys, thanks guys, THANKS GUYS!!!

grazie a voi mia famiglia...


As the records say... Mr. You're a Better Man Than I

can you condemn a man, if your faith he doesn't hold?
say the color of his skin, is the color of his soul?

-Mr. You're a Better Man Than I, as performed by The Yardbirds-

Words of Reels: Fight Club (1999)

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

-Tyler Durden , as played by Brad Pitt-

if you want to know what a mindjob feels like, watch this. the ending will make you go: WTFBBQ did i just watch??? 


Words of Reels: Shawshank Redemption (1994)

hope is a good thing. 
it is the best of things. 
and good things never die. 

- Andrew Dufresne, as played by Tim Robbins -


class... class... class...

click to enlarge!

i think i'll start using this... not. i keep getting skip it! 

credits to the guys who made this: College Humor


a toast, to the true vampire.




Star Wars episodes VII, VIII, and IX will be directed by Spielberg??? 

why oh why Lucas!!! weren't the prequels bad enough???

Luke, I am not your father...


Translation: April Fools…I am your mother! 

Drawn by Dobrosav Bob Zivkovic, an illustrator from Serbia, as an April Fool's joke for the geeks.