all creatures are equal: everyone, and everything, deserves love.
Nerds, geeks, and things in between: never call a Jedi a Trekkie.
dedicated to a friend, who thinks he's a nerd, and another friend, who wants to be a nerd.
no my friend, you are not a nerd. you're not socially inept, and you're not a reclusive scientist working on some obscure random project in the middle of a high tech, secretly built lab. so no, i repeat, you are not a nerd. i have no idea why you seem to think you are. and no, you're not a geek either. not enough obsession to strange things that others aren't interested in. you're basically one of the cool guys, not the nerds.
and to the friend who wishes (even if it was momentarily) to be a nerd, please pursue another career choice. the path to nerdiness is just not for you, duh. you're to cool for nerd-dom. seriously, try being a shopaholic, i hear they're in chic now.
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do you get this? no? then you're not part of us. |
p.s. yes, i'm a nerd, and partially a geek. yes, i can spout random nonsense about the reign of Thor, or tell you how Han Solo got the Millennium Falcon. and yes, i've watched Revenge of the Nerds.
The Unconquered
and i'll never make it like you do...
i could make tonight forever,
i could make it disappear by the door,
i could make you every promise that has ever been made,
and i could make your demons begone.
but i'm never gonna make it without you, do you really want to see me crawl?
and i don't know how to make it like you do,
making love out of nothing at all.
---Air Supply---
The Unconquered
This totally made my day, kind of.
Let's give in for New Hope, New Hope!!!
Guess the Empire Struck Back, Struck Back!!!
The Jedi have Returned, Returned!!!
and not to forget, EWOKS TO THE RESCUE!!!
Guess the Empire Struck Back, Struck Back!!!
The Jedi have Returned, Returned!!!
and not to forget, EWOKS TO THE RESCUE!!!
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
credits to College Humor, making a geek happy.
damn that Leia is pretty cute, brings back the crushes i had on Carrie Fisher. freaking Jabba's Palace.
damn that Leia is pretty cute, brings back the crushes i had on Carrie Fisher. freaking Jabba's Palace.
The Unconquered
just who the heck started the flame war?
ok, this was the funniest song i've heard in a while. at least if you get it anyway.
if not, LURK MOAR!!!
***disclaimer: strong language, but if you've been on the internet you're probably used to it.
if not, LURK MOAR!!!
***disclaimer: strong language, but if you've been on the internet you're probably used to it.
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
credits to College Humor, one of the most creative and entertaining sites i know of.
*this song is a cover of Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire, which is also awesome.
The Unconquered
credits to GAS - Geeks Are Sexy, oh yes we are.
*** notes:
for those who don't understand, it's a trap is a quote of Admiral Ackbar, the well, admiral of the Rebel Alliance fleet in Star Wars. the words were uttered in Return of the Jedi and has become a legend due to the rather obvious fact that the Rebel fleet had indeed, hyperspace-jumped into a trap.
i'm special, you're special, everyone's special. no one is special.
think about it.
if everyone was special, what would be so special about being special?
wouldn't everyone who's special be just as special as the person next to him, hence rendering them no longer special?
special would be a paradox; a delusion that doesn't exist simply because everyone is special which renders the peculiar fact that you are special moot.
hence, the conclusion would be that no one is special.
forgive me for leaving you confused, and wasting your time.
The Unconquered
Holy Frakking Frak.
It's also comforting to know that no matter what you do in life, it won't be this epic.
"Stupid frakking thing couldn't come with a handbook?"
credits to polly blog
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